New! On Eagle’s Wings Cross Designs

“…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

On Eagle's Wings Cross ©Nancy Denmark

sterling silver On Eagle’s Wings cross measures 1 1/8″ X 3/4″

This jewelry piece, H66 On Eagle’s Wings, is a high polished sterling silver cross with a raised, stylized eagle. It measures 1 1/8″ X 3/4″ (measurement does not include bale). Priced at $55 for the cross + $6 US shipping = $61.  I am now accepting pre-orders while it is still in production stages. Click the photo or above link to pre-order from my website.

The design came about over the summer as a commission from St. John Lutheran Church in Cypress, Texas  to make a large pectoral cross (below) for one of their pastors celebrating 50 years in ministry. After making the large cross in the style of my Impressions of Nature series they decided to make a smaller cross (above) available to their members. The stylized eagle design I used on the crosses is my 3 dimensional interpretation of the logo of St. John Lutheran Church.

On Eagle's Wings Pectoral Cross ©Nancy Denmark

large sterling silver On Eagle’s Wings Impressions of Nature pectoral cross measures 3″ X 2″

The eagle is a powerful symbol used to represent St. John the Evangelist. Christian tradition has connected the authors of the New Testament Gospels that bear their names (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) with the four “living creatures” that surround God’s throne, as described in Revelations, Ezekiel, and other early Christian texts. John the Evangelist, the author of the fourth gospel account is symbolized by an eagle because, as the eagle soars towards heaven, he soared in spirit upwards to the heaven of heavens to bring revelations back to earth. John describes many things at a loftier level than the other three gospel authors.

The eagle represents Jesus’ Ascension, and Christ’s divine nature. More inspirational symbolism of the eagle may be found online, including this primer to Catholic symbolism, where a Cloistered Poor Clare Colettine Nun beautifully expresses the power of our Christian symbols as teaching tools to “…grasp them in their beautiful simplicity and begin to appreciate the profound meaning within them, for each contains an entire treasury of thought, a repository of the experience of life in the Faith in its many joyful, painful and hopeful dimensions.” Her symbolism of the eagle includes “The Word of God has the power to raise us up on eagles wings and bring us to heaven” as expressed in the verse from Isaiah that I include with these crosses in a printed gift enclosure.

Both crosses are available to all for purchase. In the spirit of our inclusive faith, I do not create exclusive designs. My thanks to St. John Lutheran for generously sharing their eagle logo design with the world in this way. It was a joy for me to translate it into this new form to create another wearable love story and statement of faith. Click the respective photos or linked text to read the full description of each design with ordering information on my website.